Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One hell of a year cont.

I tried to do as much as I could with my grandpa but I feel it wasent enough. He hated the fact that in the end he barely had the stength to stand. He wanted to be outside with me tearing the motorhome apart or swaping motors in the 63. He would tell me a lot that he felt alone down here and that I was the only one that would really talk to him. The hardest thing for me was watching the shell of the man he used to be waste away. Him and I shared a few bottles of bourbin which was the last thing I bought him. The night he pasted he asked me to run up to the store and pick up a bottle, which I did. He sat it down next to his chair while watching a western, with me sitting at the computer right next to him. And that is where he passed away at. Both my grandmother and myself thought he had simply fell asleep in his chair again. It wasent until she went to wake him for bed that we found he was gone. It was very peacefull atleast. For that I am thankfull.

So with our birthday fast aproching the thought of what I will do that day is with me. I usually go to a party that night but always talked to my grandpa eairlier. I'm not much in the mood for a party this year. I just hope 2010 brings a better year. Maybe ill break open his last bottle and pass out early.

One hell of a year

Well as I have the ability to post by mobile and I can't sleep id post.

This year started out with me loosing my father in witch I've already posted. Then last month I lost my grand father. This will be the first time in my life that I won't share my birthday with him. You see we shared our birthdays 12/31.

After moving home, my mother had the idea to get my grandparents to move in with us. This would make it a lot eaiser on myself finacally to split the bills with them, and would give me the company of my grandparents. I've lived with them quite a few times through the years so it was nice to bring them into my home for a change. I won't say it was easy for my grandpa, shortly after the move his loyal dog Patches passed. That was the first time I seen him cry. It was raining that day which didn't make it eaiser to dig his grave out back. I did the best I could, even making a cross with Patches name carved in it.

I'm now mobile

Well I'm now mobile. I've up graded to the awsome Droid. With this new smart phone I can now post straight from my phone. I've also added a new chat app on the left which keeps me logged into facebook myspace and yahoo im all the time. Also added links to a few of the other blogs I follow. Check them out.